Why are there so many crazies in this damn movement? I kid you not- half of the people who come to this Way from Christianity only do it because they want to spout their loony tunes propaganda to unsuspecting searchers. The one benefit Christianity has over this movement is that they are established enough in their ways that if someone comes in with some supposedly newfound truth they won't give him the time of day. That is also, however their greatest weakness.
Let me give it to you metaphorically: There is a mountain. And the very top of this mountain is Truth. For those of us on the mountain, we all claim to want to reach the top. But for most people they will get a quarter of the way, a thrid of the way- maybe halfway up the mountain, and they'll set up camp and refuse to budge. They're comfortable and they can look down and see people who are lower than they are and feel good about themselves. And if someone comes along and points out the highest peak looming overhead, they'll run the guy out of the camp without hesitation. The problem is, for every guy pointing to the top of the mountain, there are 50 others pointing to another random peak. Most of us are just circling the mountain, going up and down and never actually getting anywhere near the top. There are so many distractions. Messianics get hung up on the Name, the identity of the lost tribes, prophesy and how much Christianty and Judaism they want to hang on to. It's riduculous. There are bigger issues. Not that these things aren't important, but important enough to kill each other over? I think not.
After all the crap that's gone on in this state, I will never be surprised by the arrogance, pride and inability of Messianics to be flexible. But I'll still be annoyed by it.
And Christianity isn't immune. The things they fight about are equally petty. Styles of worship music, translations of the Bible, women in ministry? Oh, come on. How about actually trying to be imitators of Messiah? That is what Messianics and Christians claim to be doing. I wonder then why instead we spend most of our time bickering and complaining about the state of the whole lot.
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