Yesterday sucked.
I got a filling in one of my back molars about a year ago and ever since, it has been very sensitive to hot and cold. I usually chewed any hot or cold food on the other side of my mouth so it wouldn't piss that tooth off. And I hate going to the dentist more than pretty much anything else, so I never went back to get that filling looked at.
So anyways, this past week that tooth has been hurting a lot. It was throbbing here and there, but I figured I'd just eat room temperature foods for a few days and it would stop. It didn't. Friday night it got so bad I wanted to cry. Over the weekend the pain became reeeeeeally unbearable. I got some topical tooth numbing stuff, but I had built up an immunity to it by Sunday afternoon.
Yesterday I called my dentist and begged for an appointment. "How ironic," he must've thought as he is usually the one begging me to come in there... Anyways, he looked at the tooth (and when I say "looked" I mean poked it with a metal scrapper to make sure it was really hurting) and said "root canal." Since I'm only going to have insurance through the end of the month and because I hate extended pain, I told him to pull the the tooth. Apparently, the filling was sitting in a pile of nerves and that was pissing them off. Oh well, good riddance.
My quest for dentures has finally progressed. One down, twenty-seven more to go.
So anyhow, that was Monday. I had Malachi call my job and let them know I wouldn't be in, since I couldn't talk. I spent the rest of the day watching CSI:NY dvds and chewing with my mouth wide open.
I called into work later in the afternoon to see how things were going. Apparently, nobody bothered to call anyone to talk cases while I was out, so now I'll have some nightmare to sort out when I go in today. Plus, they want me to stay for this Bar Mtg. thing tonight to get people to take cases. That blows.
Maybe I'm crazy, but I had kind of assumed, somebody would cover for me while I was out. I mean, if anyone else is out, we all just pick up the slack and do their job. With only 6 employees, it kind of has to be done that way. But no, not for Kristin it isn't.
This is my last week at AYC. Next week I fly to CA to look for work and whatnot. I come back Friday afternoon. Then, I go in Monday, make a half-hearted stab at calling people, then I'm out! WOo hoo! I can't wait.
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